Blogger Widget ....beware shocked.... Increase page views of your websites about 520 per hour or even more - ....beware shocked....

Monday, December 26, 2011

0 Increase page views of your websites about 520 per hour or even more

Page Hits Flooder - Increase page views of your websites about 520 per hour or even more

I am going to show you how to increase the page hits of you website.For this you want to dedicate a browser .In this i am using internet explorer.Here is of step by step procedure to achive it:

Open notepad and copy the following code (replace with your website) 

@echo off
start C:\Progra~1\Intern~1\iexplore.exe ""
ping -n 10 >nul
taskkill.exe /im iexplore.exe
goto 1

In the above code you can increase the 10 sec time wait.
With 10 sec time u may have 360 hits in an hour. With 5 sec time u may have 720 hits in an hour. You want to set it according to your internet speed

Save the file as anyname.bat
Then open the file and you can see it.

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