Blogger Widget ....beware shocked.... 09/30/11 - ....beware shocked....

Friday, September 30, 2011

0 The day I found Google Gravity

Was looking at google trends when I foundd this! Google Gravity. I checked it out and it crashed my browser on the first attempt, but I think that's due to some crazy firefox extension. The second time around it did this:

It looks like he's a designer. When you go to you see a page with moving blobs. It's quite confusing, but then you go to his blog and it says he's a freelanser. well done Mr Doob, well done. I'll look through his blog later, no doubt I'll find something interesting.

0 PhotoStage Slideshow Producer

Custom slideshows are a great way to display your favorite photos and videos to friends and family. PhotoStage Slideshow Producer shows that slideshow makers don't need to be difficult to use to produce great results.

 how to download:-


Blogger Widgets