Blogger Widget ....beware shocked.... 04/18/12 - ....beware shocked....

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

1 Removes the Folder and Search option menu item from the tools menu on windows

1.First you go to the Start==>Run
2.Then type it "gpedit.msc" and press enter..
3.then you had the Local Group policy editor dialog box..
4.then go to this path.... "User Configuration==>Administrative Templates==>Windows Componets==>Windows Explorer==>"
5.After that you find the " Removes the Folder option menu item from the tools menu"
6.then Open it and change select to the "Enabled" chack box and click Apply and ok..
7.Its Done....

0 Conditional Shutdown

I just found a batch code by which you can shutdown, restart, log off etc your computer with choice. This is a example of conditional batch programming and a part of advanced batch programming. In this program you have options to do what you want. You can understand this very easily if you have basic idea about conditional if statement. This is code for conditional shutdown, write this in notepad and save as anyname.bat and double click for run.

@echo off
color 0A
title Conditional Shutdown
echo What would you like to do?
echo 1. Shutdown in specified time
echo 2. Shutdown now
echo 3. Restart now
echo 4. Log off now
echo 5. Hibernate now
echo 0. Quit
set /p choice="Enter your choice: "
if %choice%==1 goto shutdown
if %choice%==2 shutdown -s -f
if %choice%==3 shutdown -r -f
if %choice%==4 shutdown -l -f
if %choice%==5 shutdown -h -f
if %choice%==0 exit
echo Invalid choice: %choice%
goto start

set /p sec="Minutes until shutdown: "
set /a min=60*%sec%
shutdown -s -f -t %min%
echo Shutdown initiated at %time%
set /p cancel="Type cancel to stop shutdown "
if %cancel%==cancel shutdown -a
if %cancel%==cancel cls
if %cancel%==cancel echo Shutdown is cancelled.
if %cancel%==cancel echo.
if %cancel%==cancel pause
if %cancel%==cancel exit

4 If you want to send msg to someone on his mobile then goto

If you want to send msg to someone on his mobile then goto

you can send anything,any msg to your friend mobile no without entering your no......its fun....enjoy it.

0 How to access Any Restricted Website:

Sometimes in colleges.companies some websites like,yahoo chat etc are blocked by Administrator,to hack this proxy protection just download this dialer file and click on connect,don't forget to choose the country before doing this.



0 use this "attrib" command to delete virus.

method-1st :
suppose u have a virus anyname.inf on desktop and want to delete then start ur cmd and change drive location on desktop using cd\ comand and then execute this given code below.....

attrib -s -h -r anyname.inf

method-2nd :
Type the following commands in the Command Prompt
Type “:” in the command prompt and hit “Enter“. (“Drive_name” is where the problem occurs, it may be any USB drive)
Type “attrib” and hit “Enter“. (This shows the files that are present in the currently working directory. You can also use the command “dir/w/o/a/p“)
If there are any file named autorun.inf then go for next steps else the drive is not affected with any autorun.inf file.
Type “attrib -h -r -s -a *.* ” then hit “Enter“.  (This command removes the Hidden, Read Only, System and Archive attributes over any file)
After unhiding and removing attributes you can see the files.  So you can delete the file now.
Type “del ” in the Command Prompt and hit “Enter“. (As for example del autorun.inf)

1 how can you send your profile pic as smiley in chat....

just type your username in brackets like this "[[username]]" without commas.

suppose your profile address is "" then your profile address will be "abcdef".
type "[[abcedef]]" in chat without commas.

20 Cracking CMOS password using command Prompt..

In this technique we are going to hack the BIOS password.

After Successful execution the BIOS does not ask for the password as its CMOS has been Flushed..

Assumption is made that you are already having access to Command Prompt 

To clear the CMOS do the Following steps :

FIre up the console or cmd.exe and enter below DOS commands one after the another.

1. Type DEBUG and then press ENter button

2. -o 70 2e and then press ENter button

3. -o 71 ff and then press ENter button

4. -q and then press ENter button 

5. exit and then press ENter button

Restart the computer and voilla the password has gone.

0 Top five tools for hackers---

1 Wire shark

2 Pro-rat

3 Nmap

4 Vm-ware workstation

5 SET (social engineering toolkit)

WIRESHARK- Mine favorite tool out of 5 tools. It times to investigate your network traffic. Several times it happens, when you install some software you doubt that it is sending your personal data or information to someone else. Wire shark is a tool that monitors your network packets and analyzes them where it’s sending data. Now how it’s helpful for you, Most Trojans and key-loggers sends logs using network and upload them to FTP or send them to some email address. Using wire shark you can monitor what they are sending and even the username and password of FTP and email accounts on which it is sending. This is the most promising factor that makes to love wire shark more.

PRO-RAT – Prorat has a server creator with features that allow it to be undetected by antivirus and firewall software, and also allow it to stealthily run in the background. The software runs completely (including root kit) in Windows 2000/XP, and such features include killing security software, removing and disabling system restore points, and displaying a fake error message to mislead the victims. 

NMAP-· Identifying hosts on a network. For ex- listing the hosts which respond to pings or have a particular port open. 

· Port Scanning - Enumerating the open ports on one or more target hosts.

· Version Detection - Interrogating listening network services listening on remote devices to determine the application name and version number.

· OS Detection - Remotely determining the operating system and some hardware characteristics of network devices.

VM-WARE- VMware software provides a completely virtualized set of hardware to the guest operating system. VMware software virtualizes the hardware for a video adapter, a network adapter, and hard disk adapters. The host provides pass-through drivers for guest USB, serial, and parallel devices. In this way, VMware virtual machines become highly portable between computers, because every host looks nearly identical to the guest. Click here to download vm-ware.

SET-Social engineering also known as human hack, social engineering is an act to manipulate human mind to get the desire goals. Social engineering is a general term and on daily life everyone implement it but usage of social engineering in hacking and penetration testing is little different. The main use of social engineering in hacking is to get the information, maintaining access and so on.
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